Newport's first queer chorus!
Quorus (queer chorus; pronounced "KWOH-ruhs") is the first and only LGBTQIA+ chorus in Newport. It was founded by Elizabeth Woodhouse in February 2023 and created to offer a safe and joyful space for members of the queer community to connect through singing.

Are you a part of the LGBTQIA+ Community? Do you love to sing?
QUORUS, an LGBTQIA+ chorus
QUORUS, led by Elizabeth Woodhouse and pianist Jan Navarro, learns and performs a variety of music including pop, jazz, and music from all over the world. Singers have the opportunity to explore and develop their unique voice as well as learn skills to become more confident musicians no matter what your previous musical experience.
Quorus rehearses from mid-September to mid-December and late January to early May and performs in two concerts: the Newport Sings Winter Concert in mid-December and Song Fest in early May. Quorus is frequently invited to perform at community events throughout the year.
QUORUS meets on Mondays from 6:15 - 7:45 pm at Channing Memorial Church (Newport). There is no audition or cost to participate. Weekly commitment is expected.
2024 - 2025 Important Dates
Monday, September 16: First rehearsal fall semester
Sunday, December 15: Newport Sings Winter concert (4:00 pm concert, call time TBD)
Monday, January 27, 2025: First rehearsal spring semester
Friday, May 2, 2025: Song Fest dress rehearsal (exact time TBD)
Saturday, May 3, 2025: Song Fest concert (4:00 pm concert, call time TBD)
Anyone who wants to perform with us at PRIDE events in June has the opportunity to join "Pride Quorus." This group meets for 4 or 5 Mondays in May/early June. All are welcome to participate in this ensemble whether you have previously sung with Quorus or not.
Love to sing, but can't commit to the weekly Quorus program? Sing with us at a Quorus singalong! These informal events are offered a few times a year and are a fun way to connect with the community through singing. Stay tuned for dates, locations and themes!