Elizabeth Woodhouse
Fundador y Director Artístico
Elizabeth (she/her) is a choral music educator and conductor with over 20 years of experience working with choruses all across the country from Denver, Colorado to Brooklyn, New York. She is the Founder and Artistic Director of Newport Sings (RI), a non-profit organization that provides opportunities for youth and adults to discover the joy and power of singing in community with others. At Newport Sings she conducts Aquidneck Singers, a multigenerational women’s chorus, and QUORUS, an LGBTQIA+ chorus for teens and adults. She also oversees the Newport County Youth Chorus programs and leads Community Sing, a weekly singalong program for adults with disabilities. Elizabeth has prepared and conducted ensembles at performances at Carnegie Hall and Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) as well as for a national PBS Kids Commercial.
Líder en la comunidad de coros infantiles, Elizabeth ha sido conferencista invitada y presentadora de conferencias en la Universidad Salve Regina, la Universidad de Colorado – Boulder, la Universidad Estatal de Ohio, la Universidad Estatal de Connecticut Occidental y las conferencias estatales de la Asociación Estadounidense de Directores Corales (ACDA) en Connecticut y New Hampshire. Elizabeth es jueza frecuente en festivales corales, incluidos WorldStrides, Fantastic Festivals y Music in the Parks, así como en festivales estatales. En marzo de 2019, fue directora invitada del Coro de Primaria All-State de RI y recientemente dirigió el Coro de Honor de Primaria de New Hampshire, el Coro de Honor de Agudos de la Escuela Secundaria del Distrito Escolar St. Vrain (Colorado), el Coro de Honor de Primaria NYACDA y el Coro de Honor de Primaria All-County del Condado de Westchester (NY). En marzo de 2024, dirigió el Coro de Honor de Escuelas Secundarias de la Región Occidental de la Asociación de Educadores Musicales de Connecticut.
Elizabeth es profesora adjunta en la Universidad de Rhode Island, donde dirige el Coro Universitario y anteriormente ha impartido cursos de métodos corales y dirección. También se desempeña como supervisora de estudiantes de magisterio en Rhode Island College.
Elizabeth, becaria de la Jubilation Foundation 2019-2020, obtuvo una licenciatura en Educación Musical en la Universidad de Colorado en Boulder y una maestría en Música en Dirección Coral en la Universidad Estatal de Ohio, donde fue becaria universitaria.
Elizabeth es la expresidenta del capítulo de RI de la Asociación Estadounidense de Directores Corales (ACDA).

Elise Felker
Profesora de NCYC y líder de la sección de Aquidneck Singers
Gerente de redes sociales
Elise graduated from the University of Rhode Island where she earned her BA in Music Education. She is the founder of Voces Excelsis, the treble chorus at the University of Rhode Island. She started her career teaching Middle School Chorus and General Music in the public schools. Along with teaching at Newport Sings, she co-teaches a music course at MCI-Norfolk in Massachusetts. She currently serves on the leadership team of the artists collective Voices21C in Boston, Massachusetts. In 2019, she interned at the Casterbridge Music Development Academy in White River, South Africa. While in South Africa, she also taught General Music at Mshadza Disability Center.

Kristin Lafferty
NCYC teacher and Aquidneck Singers section leader
Kristin se graduó de la Universidad de Rhode Island, donde obtuvo una licenciatura en Educación Musical y se graduó Magna Cum Laude. Actualmente enseña música desde jardín de infantes hasta tercer grado en la Escuela Nayatt en Barrington, RI. También pasa parte de su tiempo trabajando con niños de 3 a 5 años en el Centro de Desarrollo Infantil de URI. Kristin se desempeñó como líder seccional y cantora en la Iglesia St. Gregory the Great durante cuatro años. Kristin es la fundadora y directora del nuevo Coro Comunitario de RI, "Better Together", que conecta a cantantes de 14 a 22 años.

Julia Morisi
Aquidneck Singers section leader
Julia works in the Office of Undergraduate Studies at Salve Regina University. She
graduated from Salve in 2017 with a BA in English Literature and Religious Studies.
She attended graduate school at Boston University and previously taught Religion at
Salve Regina. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and crafting, and loves
trivia nights with friends. Julia began singing in elementary school and continued
through college. In 2022, she joined Aquidneck Singers. Since then, she has been
loving Tuesday evenings with Aquidneck Singers!

Jan Navarro
Newport Sings Pianista colaborativo
Jan moved to Aquidneck Island from Seattle, Washington in 2020. She has enjoyed a lifelong love of music since the age of 4, singing in churches and schools, and playing piano all throughout her youth. She majored in K-12 vocal/instrumental music education with a piano performance minor at Northern State University in South Dakota. Jan's musical career spans over 35 years. During that time, she has maintained her private piano studio, and accompanied soloists, choirs, and Musical Theater shows. In addition to her work with Newport Sings, she also teaches piano at Portsmouth Abbey, and is the current Director of Music Ministry at Channing Memorial Church in Newport. When not in a music rehearsal, Jan can be found in nature, by the ocean, spending time with her dogs.

Anik Rounds
Quorus section leader
Anik (they/them) has been a musician their whole life, starting with the violin at age 4. They have played lessons in many instruments, including viola, piano, bass, and trombone, but love singing the most. In high school, Anik was part of many musical groups, and took private lessons. Now, they are the Tenor/Bass Section Leader for Quorus and a board member of Musica Dolce, another non-profit in southern RI. Professionally, Anik is a software developer and program manager, and in their free time, Anik enjoys cooking and knitting.

Melanie Saunders
Quorus section leader
Melanie (she/they) has loved music for as long as she can remember. She grew up singing and playing the violin and toured Europe twice with her orchestra before the age of 18. She rediscovered her love for choral music in adulthood through Aquidneck Singers and found herself wanting a place for the LGBTQIA+ community to rediscover their voices through song. She has been in Quorus, Newport's first Queer chorus, since its inception in 2023.
Melanie is Community Programs Manager at the MLK Community Center and a long-time resident of Newport. She is a Pan/Bi parent of two amazing children and will forever be an advocate for her community.